23 . 1 . 20 Fri このレーズンデニッシュパン超美味しいです😄😃😀😊😌

このヤマザキ製  レーズン入りデニッシュパンを本日食べました。以前にも食べたことがありますが、美味しかったので紹介したいと思います😌😊😀😃😄👍🌺😮😁😂😆😀😃😄😁😆😅😂

I ate this made Yamazak irasin-filled Denish bread today . I have eaten it before , but it was delicious, so I would like to introduce it .🤣😂😅😆😁😄😃



I would like to express my impressions after eating .😀😃  It contains raisins , has an impact , and goes well with raisins and Danishpastry . 😌

ほのかなパン生地の甘さがとても良く、レーズンの甘酸っぱさと相まって美味しいです。😊😌👍The faint sweetness of the bread dough is very good , and it is delicious combined with the sweet and sour taste of the raisins . ,🌺👍😌😊😮🤣😊